Motogohikawa Shrine

Despite being a small shrine nestled within a residential area, it is affectionately known among the locals as the Shrine of Happiness.
The cute expression on the face of the Kodakara-inu dog statue, revered as a symbol of easy childbirth and fertility, generates a heartwarming sense of happiness.


1-30-2 Motogo, Kawaguchi, Saitama Prefecture  <Google Map


Route 24: Motogo Elsa Tower Loop
Roughly 10 minutes from Kawaguchi Station, East Exit (Bus Stop #17)
Three minutes on foot from Motogo Hikawa Jinja Bus Stop

Route 04: Bound for Toneri Danchi
Roughly 5 minutes from Kawaguchi Station, East Exit (Bus Stop #3)
Two minutes on foot from Motogo 1 Chome Bus Stop